The Sacred Report is committed to providing spirit-filled insight, perspective, & revelation on happenings in the news, media, & entertainment. In a world full of deception, we are committed to the voice of truth!
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We talk to ourselves (in our heads) more than any other person. If you pair that with the 10,000 daily ads on average and the approximate 74GB of information that an individual processes per day, you can get into a chaotic place quickly. When you're tuning into TSR, you can trust that the information you are ingesting is coming from the LIGHT which allows you to learn (and more importantly GROW) at the speed of life! Our prayer is that our content and community will give you life!
We aren't here just to peddle information. The angle at which we approach our content is very much "edutainment" as a balanced mix of entertainment and education. It's not as intense as sitting through hours of well-produced curriculum, but it's not as fickle and fleeting as regurgitated content that you typically see in traditional and legacy media outlets. If you want to stay in the know and equip yourself with knowledge, wisdom, and revelation for your future, TSR is for you!
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It is vital to the life of a Christian to woefully consider what they are intaking and filling their cup with. TSR presents worldly happenings through eternal eyes!
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